Thursday, March 31, 2011

Question: Why is the story so important for video production?

Question: Why is computer technology a required class for graduation?

Why is computer technology a required class for graduation?
Everybody in the world who was born after 1990 has never known a time without computers. You would think they already know everything about computers.... right? 

What do you think?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Can you answer the following questions?....

What makes a teen do the things he or she does?
What influences his or her thinking process?
When does a teen/pre-teen start thinking of a person of the opposite sex as more than just a friend?
When does a teen become smart enough and mature enough to stop listening to his or her parent(s)?
When does a teen begin realizing the consequences of his or her actions?
When does a teen take responsibility for his or own actions?

The answer to all of these questions is the same.... it differs with each individual.  However, even though each person learns, thinks, acts, reacts, and matures at different levels and at different speeds, all of the above questions evolve within the pre-teen/teenage years. That is to say sometime between 10 and 21 years of age.

Another important factor in teen development is our development in the adolescent years.  Those years from birth to 10 are EXTREMELY important. That is the time when people learn the most. The values, morals, and characteristics developed during those years are how we will most likely be for the rest of our lives. Once developed, our character, values, and morals that we want to change, can only be changed by hard work and persistence.  Therefore it is vital that we are taught by good examples in our formative years.

So, in light of all that has been written above, answer those questions for yourself. Think about why you are the way you are.  Think about how your actions impact others. Better yet.... just think.  I had a university professor who wrote the word "think" on the whiteboard at the beginning of every class. Hahaha..... the motto should be changed from "Do It" to "Think, Then Do It".

Last term of the year...

This is it... the home stretch.  It's been fun so far. Even though I have to crack down on things every now and again, I still think you guys are awesome!

The last term is always the busiest and most teachers and students get grouchy.  Hang in there and I'll try not to be too grouchy.... LOL