What?.... no holiday spirit, or are you just tired of thinking of new and different things to give those special people in your lives.
I always get bummed out during the holidays because I never have enough money to get the things I want.... or that I think others want for Christmas. Many times I have thought about simply giving gift cards or cash. Then again, is that too generic, lacking thought and creativity in providing a personalized gift? Some might call it lazy, but I'm thinking that it's becoming a more practical gift, especially in these hard economic times.
While the federal government debates tax cuts or tax increases, the general public gets caught in the cross-fire. Economic uncertainty looms as a threat of diminished pay and lay-offs. Good jobs are non-existent and other jobs are only offering minimum wage. Money is tight and sources of income are drying up. Therefore, to quote a phrase from Dave Ramsey, "... cash is king and and the paid off home mortgage is replacing the BMW as the status symbol of choice."
So get those gift cards, give some cash and let your loved ones do with it however they wish. Be creative with the wrapping. One year my brother-in-law wrapped my gift in several different layers of duct taped boxes... half the fun was trying to unwrap it. If you know your friend, spouse, sibling, or significant other enjoys reading, a Barnes & Noble gift card is just the ticket. I can spend hours in Barnes & Noble, browsing through magazines, reading books, and sipping hot chocolate to my heart's content.
Who knows, the person receiving that money may have been praying for a way to pay off a bill or debt. You never know when a person might need that "little extra cash" to make it through. So, don't be bummed, give from the heart and be glad you have enough to give.